Elizabeth Knuckey

Elizabeth Knuckey, PUSH PAST, 2024, site-specific screen print installation, print paste and cardboard moving boxes, 13.5 x 100 cm, install dimensions variable. NFS.

Moments of transition are usually uncomfortable for me. When I’m building up the courage to commit to a new experience I build up so much excitement, sometimes for months, only to disregard and dismiss it all once the moment arrives. In a similar vein there’s always a point where denial is defeated and I begrudgingly acknowledge when too much is on my plate. Whilst it feels like failure in the moment, it’s usually relief that’s long overdue. Moving from desires to do more, to feelings of overwhelm, back to excitement over new opportunities can be hard to adjust to. I find myself in these in between stages often, doubting what I need and what should be next. I try to push past this temporary discomfort and instead embrace the transitions, remembering the next stage of the cycle will always make itself known. 

Elizabeth Knuckey is an emerging artist currently living and working on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja in Perth. Her practice is an exploration of ephemerality through text and water, often with mediums such as screen printing, installation, sculpture, video and audio.  

Knuckey enjoys pushing the perimeters of printmaking, often working against the expectation of what print should be. Printmaking is so often concerned with archival quality and preservation. Knuckey is interested in what happens when you take traditional printmaking mediums and apply them to unconventional sites, knowing they aren’t meant to last. Rather than bringing a complete work to a location, she draws inspiration from the site itself to create something specifically for the place.